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Bachelor Programs

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-05-30    Viewed:

Bachelor Programs




Core   Courses

Tuition   Fees


Civil   Engineering

4 years

Civil Engineering:

Concrete Structural   Design Principles, Structural Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Engineering   Surveying, Theoretical Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Forward Design and   Integrated Digital Construction Based on BIM

(Intelligent) Urban   Underground Space Engineering:

Engineering Surveying,   Underground Space Planning and Design, Theoretical Mechanics, Civil   Engineering Materials, Mechanics of Materials, Principles of Concrete   Structural Design, Structural Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics,   Principles of Steel Structural Design, Foundation Engineering, Engineering   Project ManagementTop of FormBottom   of Form

30000 RMB per   person/year


Smart   Construction

Engineering Drawing   and Digital Architecture, Urban Information Modeling, Smart Engineering   Surveying, Engineering Materials, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence,   Data Structures and Algorithms, Construction Regulations and Project   Management, Finite Element Applications, Introduction to Elasticity, Civil   Engineering Intelligent Inspection and Monitoring, Introduction to the Internet   of Things, Civil Engineering Construction and Intelligent Construction, Smart   Equipment and Construction Robots, Academic English


Engineering   Management

Construction project   management, Civil engineering construction, Building architecture, Construction   economics, Project bidding and contract management


Intelligent   Transportation

Data Structures and   Algorithms, Machine Learning Algorithms, Geographic Information Systems   (GIS), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) System, Traffic Design and Control,   Intelligent Traffic Scheduling and Operations, Traffic Modeling and   Simulation, Transportation Infrastructure Safety and Maintenance,   Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Techniques for Facilities, Intelligent Safety   Management

Program Contact Information: Tel: +86 0755-86670367  Email: 592979267@qq.com

Online Application: http://lxs.szu.edu.cn/

Application Open: February 21th to May 15th (refer to 2023)

Next:Professor Weixin Ren teaches Introduction to Civil Engineering to Class 2023 undergraduates


Address: Canghai District, Shenzhen University, People's Republic of China      E-mail: 450410031@qq.com  
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