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Concrete core to the Party, building a dream - celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Party and faculty birthday party activities

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-07-03    Viewed:

On the occasion of the "July 1" Party Building Festival, in order to enhance the sense of belonging and happiness of the faculty and staff of the college, and further enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the faculty and staff, at noon on July 1, the Party Committee and the trade union of the College held the "Concrete heart to the Party, build a dream peer - celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Party New Party members to join the Party Oath activities and faculty birthday Party" activities.

On the day of the event, the teachers and student assistants responsible for the event planning made a careful dress up of the conference room of the college. Birthday themed decorations are everywhere, from hanging balls to flower bouquets, from exquisite desserts to fresh fruits, every detail expresses the college's heart and creativity. Teachers and students together to create a warm and full of joy of the space, so that every teacher can feel this special birthday atmosphere.


Chen Bixia, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the college and chairman of the trade union, said in her speech that she hoped that this activity would build a platform for all the staff to exchange ideas and enhance feelings, and hoped that all teachers would enjoy the fun of exchange and make this special activity a good memory in everyone's heart.

Miss Chen Bixia sent flowers and birthday wishes to the five staff members on their birthday in July. In the joyful birthday celebration, the celebrating teachers surrounded the carefully prepared cake, holding the knife together, each knife is passing the sweet and blessing.



Every blessing, carrying deep feeling; Every warmth conveys care. On this special day, the teachers deeply felt the deep feeling of the college. We firmly believe that these warm moments will not only become the eternal memory in the hearts of every faculty member, but also become a ray of fragrance in the future education journey, encouraging us to continue to moveforward.

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