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Our college's 2024 graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony were successfully held

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-07-05    Viewed:

Academician Chen Xiangsheng, specially appointed professor of our institute, Academician Ueda Duoduo of the Japanese Academy of Engineering, Academician Zhou Zhixiang, foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, Vice Dean Zou Liang, Vice Dean Yang Lei, Vice Dean Bao Xiaohua, Vice Dean Guo Jun, Vice Dean Ding Zhikun, Professor Wang Junfeng, Professor Kou Shicong, Professor Liu Jian, Professor Zhu Jiasong, Professor Liu Wei, Professor Wang Yanshuai, Professor Chen Wenbo, Mr. Chen Hailang, a Class 87 alumnus, Ms. Zhu Yi, a Class 07 alumnus, as well as representatives of various departments, class teachers, department heads, counselors, alumni of the institute, and relatives and friends of the 2024 graduating students attended the ceremony. Chen Bixia, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the institute, presided over the ceremony.

The graduation ceremony begins, and all teachers and students stand solemnly, playing and singing the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.

Academician Chen Xiangsheng, the president of our institute, delivered a speech. Academician Chen Xiangsheng reviewed the development process of the college in recent years and affirmed the efforts and contributions made by all faculty and students to the college.

Facing the graduating class of 2024 who are about to enter the workforce, he takes innovative thinking, ideals and beliefs, and a compassionate heart as his message, calling on students to use their knowledge to solve practical problems for the people, and to use their outstanding creativity and imagination to build a new world.

As the homeroom teacher who witnessed the growth of undergraduate students in 2020, Teacher Yuan Lili, on behalf of all the teachers in the college, extends her best wishes to the students. She encourages her classmates to continue pursuing their dreams on the track that suits them best, and to constantly "customize" a better version of themselves in the journey of actively exploring the meaning of life.

Cui Pengfei, a PhD graduate majoring in Civil Engineering, spoke as a representative of graduates. Looking back on his time studying at Liyuan, Cui shared three insights with everyone: firstly, getting to know Liyuan for the first time, growing and transforming; The second is to trace back to the source and strive for excellence; The third is to look up at the stars and have lofty aspirations.

Vice Dean Bao Xiaohua announced the "Commendation Decision of the School of Civil and Transportation Engineering on Outstanding Graduates of 2024". After research by the college, it has been decided to award the title of Outstanding Graduate Doctoral Student to 3 doctoral students including Cui Pengfei, the title of Outstanding Graduate Student to 24 graduate students including Chen Ziyi, and the title of Outstanding Undergraduate Graduate to 26 undergraduate students including Zeng Wendi.

Vice Dean Guo Jun and Vice Dean Ding Zhikun jointly presented commendation certificates to outstanding graduates and took a group photo as a souvenir.

Vice Dean Yang Lei of the college read out the "Decision on Granting Bachelor's Degree" and "Decision on Granting Honorary Bachelor's Degree". A total of 246 graduates from the School of Civil and Transportation Engineering obtained bachelor's degrees, including 8 graduates who received honorary bachelor's degrees.

Vice Dean Zou Liang of the college announced the decision on awarding doctoral degrees, master's degrees, and professional master's degrees in academic education. Nine graduates from the School of Civil and Transportation Engineering obtained doctoral degrees, and 277 graduates obtained master's degrees.

In a solemn and warm atmosphere, witnessed by the presiding professor, all graduates, and on-site guests, Academician Chen Xiangsheng presented degree certificates to the 338 graduates attending the graduation ceremony one by one, and took a photo with them to capture this precious and unforgettable moment.

Academician Chen Xiangsheng warmly talked, shook hands, and hugged each graduate. He thoughtfully tidied up the bachelor's hats for his classmates and arranged various cute photo poses with them.

The atmosphere on site was warm and touching, with applause and cheers echoing one after another. This is not only a blessing for the diligent study and smooth graduation of the graduates, but also a high respect for Academician Chen Xiangsheng's love and deep concern for his children.

Mr. Chen Hailang, an alumnus of the 87th class of the college, chairman of Kuayue Fund, and senior consultant of Enjie Co., Ltd., and Ms. Zhu Yi, a alumnus of the 7th class and general manager of Shenzhen Machinery Institute Architectural Design Co., Ltd., jointly presented the director appointment certificate to the 2024 alumni.

Live broadcast of the video "To the 2024 Graduates", which reviews the little things that the 2024 graduates have learned while studying at Liyuan. Subsequently, representatives of the graduates presented flowers as the main gift to the professors and attending teachers, expressing deep respect for their selfless dedication and hard work, as well as their infinite gratitude for their careful guidance and care.

The whole audience sang the song 'Until the End of the World', which also represents the college's sincerest wishes to the graduates - wishing them to walk into a new stage of life with their heads held high, and whether their future journey is smooth or not, Liyuan will always be the home of the 'concrete' students.

The graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony of the School of Civil and Transportation Engineering in 2024 came to a successful conclusion amidst the moving singing.

Last:Our college held a science popularization education and career experience activity called "Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the College, Middle School Students Entering the University"

Next:Academician Chen Xiangsheng, the Dean of our institute, attended the Guangdong Provincial Conference on High Quality Development of Low altitude Economy


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