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高水平大学建设–Anglia Ruskin University Du Yingang博士副教授学术访问

编辑:    发布时间:2017-01-22 00:00    浏览次数:

报告人:Du Yingang博士副教授


DU Yingangs research interests and consultancy activities focus on the area of assessment and design of engineering structures under severe environments, including marine environments and/or in fire/high temperature and/or seismic zones. He has carried out a series of corrosion testing, fire testing and finite element analysis to study the safety and performance of engineering structures with corroding reinforcements and/or exposed to fire and/or under an earthquake.

Since 2000, Yingang has published 22 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences, some of which have been referred to by peers globally. In addition, Yingang has been invited to act as independent peer for several international journals, including ACI Structural, ACI Materials, Engineering Structures, and Construction and Building Materials. He received grants for research from The Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) and The Royal Academy of Engineering in 2007.

上一条:学术讲座:Latest Development on Non-destructive Test for Civil Engineering Application



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