报告人:Prof. YIN Zhen-Yu (尹振宇教授,香港理工大学)
报告人简介(About Speaker):

Zhen-Yu Yin, Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Professor Yin obtained his bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Zhejiang University in 1997. He then worked as Engineer in Zhejiang Jiahua Architecture Design Co., Ltd. for five years. In 2003 and 2006, he obtained his master's and doctorate degrees in Geotechnical Engineering from the École Centrale de Nantes in France, respectively. During his doctoral studies, he was exchanged and trained at Tongji University. In 2011, he was selected as Dongfang Scholar of Shanghai. He serves as the associate editor for top-tier international journals: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (EJECE), Geotechnique Letters, and ASCE-International Journal of Geomechanics. Furthermore, Prof. Yin is currently serving as editorial board member of several journals, including the Canadian Geotechnical Journal (Can. Geot. J.), Acta Geotechnica, Transportation Geotechnics, Computers and Geotechnics, GeoRisk, and International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (IJNAMG). Professor Yin primarily engages in teaching and research in the fields of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering. He has published over 300 SCI papers in leading international journals to date, with an H-index of 55 as per Web of Science (WoS). He has been repeatedly named among the top 2% of scientists worldwide. Professor Yin's main research areas include: (1) Macro and micro characteristics of soil and its constitutive relationship, (2) Model testing in geotechnical engineering and large deformation numerical analysis, and (3) Application of artificial intelligence in geotechnical engineering. For more information, please refer to the research group's homepage: GeoInvention (http://geoinvention.com/).
In recent decades, the complexity of offshore foundation design has significantly increased, particularly with the widespread adoption of caisson foundations for wind turbines. As these structures are fundamental to the stability of offshore platforms, the challenge lies not only in their design but also in the accurate prediction of their behavior under various loading conditions. Thus, the identification of parameters and selection of constitutive models, tailored to handle the unique demands of marine environments, have become focal points in geotechnical engineering. This report introduces an innovative upscaling approach that uses advanced computational methods, including the Discrete Element Method (DEM) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA), to address these challenges. The methodology uniquely combines micro-level detailed analysis with macro-scale engineering applications, enhancing both the accuracy and applicability of constitutive models.