报告题目:Achieving carbon neutrality through sustainable construction materials and technology
报告人:Chi-Sun Poon潘智生,香港理工大学讲座教授,土木及环境工程学系系主任
时 间:2024年11月28日(星期四)10:00-12:00am
地 点:深圳大学粤海校区(南区)致理楼L1-1007会议室
In response to the accelerated pace of urbanization and the steady rise in global population, a palpable and inescapable consequence has manifested - a striking surge in CO2emissions, emerging as the foremost catalyst behind climate change. The concrete industry is a major CO2contributor, posing a considerable challenge in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
Efforts to mitigate CO2emissions in the construction industry have been extensive. Still, the current strategies mainly rely on passive reduction methods, such as decreasing clinker content in cement, using local resources, and implementing efficient design. To ensure satisfactory performance, the level of CO2reduction in passive strategy is inevitably limited. Despite the endeavors, global CO2emissions from the construction sector have reached an all-time high after the pandemic. To address this challenge, a shift towards an active carbon reduction strategy is necessary. This involves utilizing concrete used for buildings as CO2sinks, actively capturing and mineralizing CO2. By adopting this proactive approach, there is a potential to significantly expand the scope of carbon reduction and work towards achieving carbon neutrality. The CO2mineralization capability of early and later-age concrete provides a strong rationale for pursuing this direction. This study proposed to develop low-carbon concrete and technologies, including low-carbon raw materials for concreting, CO2-activated construction processes, sustainable concrete structures, and sustainability assessment framework, that circulate both greenhouse gas and solid wastes from the construction industry. This fully circular approach envisions that materials used in one building can be reclaimed and repurposed in new concrete after the original building reaches the end of its service life, while sequestrating CO2.

潘智生教授目前为香港理工大学土木与环境学系系主任,土木工程Michael Anson讲席教授,可持续土木工程材料讲座教授。潘教授长期从事土木工程材料、环境友好型材料及固废管理方面的研究与教学工作,同时为政府及专业组织服务,如担任香港工程师协会及香港混凝土协会理事。潘教授为推动各类固体废弃合法应用领域的学界先驱,是该领域的领军学者,发表了大量高水平论文。他的Goggle Scholar H-index >100。根据斯坦福大学最近公布的指标,他入选“建筑与建设”领域全球2%高被引学者。2017年获得国家科技进步二等奖。
Prof. Chi Sun Poon is currently the Michael Anson Professor of Engineering, Chair Professor of Sustainable Construction Materials and Head of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is also Director of the recently established Research Centre for Resources Engineering towards Carbon Neutrality. He specializes in the teaching and research of eco-friendly construction materials, concrete technology and waste management. He is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and has been serving actively on various professional and government committees. He is a pioneer in the research on valorizing different types of wastes as construction materials. His extensive publications in the area make him one of the leading scholars in this field. He was appointed as a Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor in 2017 and was awarded the State Technological Innovation Award 2017 (2nd Class).