英文标题:Circular Economy Promotion in the Building andConstruction Sector: Research Status and Prospects
The building and construction sector is responsible for around 37% of energy and process-related emissions, half of natural material consumption, and one-third of total solid waste production globally. These environmental burdens stem mainly from the operation and material of buildings. While extensive research has addressed the operational impacts, the material-embodied impacts (e.g., embodied emissions and energy consumption, raw material extraction, construction waste generation) remain underexplored. The circular economy has the potential to mitigate the embodied impacts of the building sector by enhancing material circularity, but the extent to which it can contribute to this end remains unclear. This is of increasing interest to scholars from the fields of Environmental Science and Industrial Ecology. Differing from their studies, Dr. Liang YUAN engages this topic from the Architecture and Material Science perspectives. Specifically, Dr. YUAN’s current research is devoted to modelling the urban spatiotemporal metabolism of building materials, and on this basis, assessing and understanding the contribution of various circular economy strategies to reducing the embodied environmental impact of buildings. The ambitious goal of his research is to contribute more reliable databases and more domain-specific policy implications to promoting the linear-to-circular construction transition, achieving sustainable built environments.

主讲人袁亮近期刚从香港大学建筑学院获得博士学位,师从吕伟生教授和薛帆教授。他即将以博后研究员身份加入剑桥大学工程系由Jonathan Cullen教授和André Cabrera Serrenho教授领衔的科研团队。袁亮博士拥有材料科学和建筑工程的交叉学科背景,他的研究聚焦在数字化循环建造,同时,他在结合数字化技术(如大数据、机器学习、遥感、计算机视觉)与多学科领域知识(如建筑设计和施工、物流和生命周期评估)进行创新性研究方面具有丰富的经验。
Liang YUAN obtained his doctoral degree from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, recently; and he will soon join the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge as a postdoc. Dr YUAN has an interdisciplinary background of Material Science and Architectural Engineering; his research focuses on digital circular construction; and he is highly experienced in combining various digital techniques (e.g., big data analysis, machine learning, remote sensing, computer vision) and multi-disciplinary knowledge (e.g., building design and construction, material flow, and life cycle assessment) to deliver original innovative research.