李永奎,同济大学长聘特聘教授,复杂工程管理研究院副院长,教育部青年知名学者。研究领域包括重大工程与复杂运营管理、数字化工程管理等。担任管理科学与工程学会青年工作委员会副主任委员、工程管理分会副主任委员,中国建筑学会以及中国土木工程学会工程管理研究分会常务理事,中国建设监理协会专家委员会委员兼青年工作委员会副主任,中国双法经济学术研究会项目管理委员会常务委员兼副秘书长,国际项目管理学会IPMA研究委员会委员等。Frontiers of Engineering Management、ProjectManagementJournal、ProjectLeadershipandSociety以及JournalofManagementinEngineering等期刊编委或客座主编。主持国家社科重大项目及子课题、国家自然科学基金项目5项,发表各类论文百余篇。荣获2019年国际项目管理杰出研究贡献奖,教育部和上海市科技进步一等奖,2项国家教学成果二等奖等。
Dr.Li Yongkui is a tenured professor at Tongji University, vicedirectorof theResearchInstitute of Complex Engineering Management. His research areas includemegaprojectand complexengineeringoperation management, digital engineering management, etc. He is the vice chairman of the Youth Committee of the Management Science and Engineering Societyandthe Engineering Management Branch, the managing director of the Engineering Management Research Branch of the Architectural Society of China and the China Civil Engineering Society, the member of the Expert Committee of the China Construction Supervision Association and the vice chairman of the Youth Committee, and the member of the ResearchGroupof the International Project Management Association. He is an editorial board member or guest editor of journals such as Frontiers of Engineering Management, Project Management Journal, Project Leadership and Society, and Journal of Management in Engineering. He has presided over 5 major national social science projects and sub-projects, and National Natural Science Foundation projects, and published more than 100 papers. He won the 2019IPMAOutstanding Research Contribution Award, the first prize of the Ministry of Education and Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award, and 2 second prizes of national teaching achievements.
As the engineering industry shifts from scale to high-quality developmentinChina, engineering management practice and research are facing unprecedented new challenges. Based on my past scientific research and practical experience frommegaprojects to complexengineering, I analyze and discuss the changes and constants in the field of engineering management, including the re-understanding of engineering management under the new situation, the four-wheel drive logic of engineering management, the new stage of transformation and development of engineering management, the new thinking of complex engineering management, several aspects of changes and constants in engineering management, personal experience and thinking, etc.